
Vegan Sushi

Vegan Street offers you delicious food with good green practices to take care of you and the planet.

We do not use plastics, we use only disposable cardboard straws for example, all fast food and delivery is handled only in recyclable materials, no plastics.

Granito a granito queremos generar un cambio junto a todos ustedes 🌱El planeta nos necesita y no podemos seguir esperando, únete al reciclaje y se parte de este cambio 🤘🏼💚 #govegan #reciclaje

We focus on delivering a plate and food that is not based on animal cruelty or mistreatment.
Amipass will help us increase the customers we have and the amount of people we can reach.

It's not just about eating good food anymore, it's about leaving a positive footprint on the environment and Vegan Street shows us that.


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