
Reducing, reusing and recycling at home is an easy, fun family activity

Without a doubt, the 3 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) are fundamental if you want to lead an ecofriendly life. And the 3Rs also relate to the food that is consumed at home.

Here are some practical ideas for you to start consuming food responsibly.

A. Plan your weekly menu, so you'll buy the right amount of food, avoiding having leftovers.

B. What do I do if there is something left over? Prepare new recipes with what is left over and do your best to avoid throwing it away.

C. Repair objects to extend their useful life, obviously whenever possible.

D. Avoid using and throwing away the different containers. Reuse them. When you choose products, select those that are packaged in materials that can later be recycled more easily: paper, cardboard or glass.  

E. Do not use plastic straws. And avoid the use of single-use plastics.

F. What can you do with leftover cooking oil? It is usually flushed down the drain and not everyone realises that this is wrong. It should be disposed of in special containers, generally glass containers, and taken to a strategic collection point.

G. Reduce your energy use. Look for healthier alternatives, such as sunlight during the day. Try to unplug everything that is not in constant use, such as the refrigerator.

H. Conserve water as much as possible. Do not leave the faucets open for longer than you need. Use water sparingly when you clean your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower or wash the dishes etc…

I. Separate your recyclable materials and take them to the point closest to your home.

It is very important to involve your whole family, even the little ones, so that they can learn from an early age. It is of little use that in a family of five people only one person is actively carrying out these activities. Try to make everyone aware of the need to recycle and motivate them to improve their habits as this will improve life for everyone.

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