
4 Ways to build customer loyalty on social networks

Through social networks your business can generate trust, transparency and improve customer management. In this blog post, we explain how to use them to boost your relationship with your current customers.

It is no news to anyone that social networks - used by more than half of the world's population, according to the Digital 2020 report - are a powerful communication channel for any business, regardless of its type or size.

They have become an economical and high-impact alternative for attracting new customers and retaining and building loyalty among existing ones.

If your store has a presence on social networks, but does not have specific strategies for building customer loyalty, here are some alternatives you could put into practice now:

1. Share valuable content for your customers

It is possible that, given your experience, you have some notion of who your customers are and what they like. If so, take advantage of social networks to deliver creative content and information that is of value to them, and do not use them only as a sales channel.

For example, if you sell maqui in your store and your customers have asked you on more than one occasion about the properties of this fruit, use the social networks to share all the information that is of interest to them. Showcase news about your store, new products and everything that adds value to your product or service.

You can also share videos revealing the day-to-day happenings in your store, stories and reflections, and this will help you connect even more with those who already know you and regularly buy your products or services.

2. Interact with them on a daily basis

According to the report "How Social Media Is Transforming PR and the Consumer-Business Relationship", 83% of people expect companies to respond to their social media comments in one day or less.

Figures like this reinforce the importance of socializing on social networks with your customers by asking them questions (such as “what is your favourite product in our store?”), responding quickly to their queries and commenting on their posts, whether good or bad, with kindness.

On this last point, keep in mind that if you respond rudely or ignore comments you will give your customers a negative image and drive them away instead of inspiring and encouraging them to buy from your store.

Instead, make your customers feel consulted, valued and respected, and invite them to share their opinion about your products or services and to become part of your business.

3. Offer discounts, promotions and competitions

One of the most effective techniques for making people feel valued as customers is to offer them some kind of benefit for buying from your store.

For example, you can offer discounts to those who follow you on Facebook or Instagram, or hold a photo competition in which customers participate using your products. The options are endless. The important thing is to generate actions that encourage your customers to follow you on social networks and remain loyal through them.

In addition, when your customers make an effort to recommend your product or service to others, let them know with a "thank you" and perhaps with a discount for a future purchase. This way, they will notice that you are paying attention and that you value them as customers.

4. Encourage personalized attention

There is a 60-70% probability that an existing customer will buy a new product from you, according to Sailthru. Moreover, keeping an existing customer loyal costs 5 times less than attracting a new one.

It is therefore an excellent strategy to use social networks as a customer service channel to resolve queries in an agile and personalized way, thereby improving their buying experience and, above all, their post-sales experience.

In addition, it allows you to get to know your customers even better, continuing the conversation and thus understanding what they need, what they don't like about your business and other relevant data that can help strengthen your relationship with them.

Grow your business hand in hand with customers

Customer retention is crucial to moving forward with your store. It therefore makes sense to use social networks to generate relationships of trust and transparency with your existing customers.

This also means that in the short- to medium-term, because they have have had positive experience with your store, they will willingly become ambassadors for your brand, recommending your business to everyone around them.

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